Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Activity and Its Impact on Climate Change-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the Human Activity and its impact on Climate Change. Answer: Introduction: The expected weather of a particular place or that of the planet as a whole, refers to climate change. At the time when there are changes in the normal expected weather, these are referred to as climate changes. There may be several reasons for the climate change over different scales of time and over several other geographical regions. In the present times, global warming and humans impact on the climatic system by the enhancement of the greenhouse effect have put light on the fact that human beings are responsible for climate changes. In the last hundred years, the surface of the earth and lowest part of the atmosphere has gotten warm by half of a centigrade (Urry 2015). The increase of atmospheric green house gases, the increased amount of pollution has raised the concern that human activities and climate changes are interrelated. There are other reasons for the change in climate including changes in the amount of energy from the Sun, shifting patterns of ocean circulation among others. Despite this, evidence shows that there is a discernable influence of human activity on the global weather (Bellard, C., et al. 2012). Engaging stakeholders for Climate policy: At the time when clean energy policies are implemented by multiple state agencies they are much more likely to achieve the set goals for the environment, by being more likely to achieve goals. At the time when clean energy is used for the reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions, the states have found it helpful to reach out to the government entities in the states which are typically implicated in the decision of promotion of clean energy. The states are also involved in the deployment and those in the climate, energy and environmental policies (Seinfeld, J.H. and Pandis, S.N., 2016). The most important stakeholders in this connection, can be considered as, the governor and the staff, the state legislatures, the state agencies and the universities (Field, C.B. and Barros, V.R., 2014). The state agencies and state departments of environmental protection, public utility commissions and state energy offices have an important role in advancing the utility of energy efficiency as well as renewable energy for the reduction of green house gas emissions (ONeill et al. 2014). The departments of environmental pollution are responsible for the protection of public health and environment from air pollution effects. The public utility commissions are quasi-judicial bodies which regulate the monopoly of electricity and natural gas utilities. These ensure that the reliable electricity and gas service is provided, the rates which are paid by the customers are reasonable and the utilities can earn a fair return on their investment. The state energy offices are responsible for energy-related economic development and minimization of the environmental impact of the department (McMichael, A.J., 2013). Identifying other Key stakeholders: The stakeholders which can be noteworthy partners in the protection of the environment are utilities, independent system operators, regional transmission organisations which are key pieces of many clean energy policies. Apart from this, the independent power producers, environmental and consumer organisations are vital stakeholders. The independent transmission owners and energy suppliers are also responsible for maintaining information and analysis of electricity markets. The public also offer new ideas, input and feedback to the state (Urry, J., 2015). Opinions of Key stakeholders about climate change: There is more or less a scientific consensus on the topic that the earths climate is warming. More or less 97% of the climate scientists agree that climate warming trends over the past century are extremely likely because of human activities. Majority of the scientific organisations all around the world have issued public statements which endorse this particular statement. According to the American Association for the advancement of science, the global climatic change is caused due to human activities and is a growing threat to the society (McMichael, A.J., 2013). The American Chemical Society has stated that the concept of climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions due to human activities and that it is a very serious problem. The American Geophysical Union stated that the human induced climate change needs urgent action. The Union opines that humanity is the major influence on the global climate change which has been noticed in the past fifty years (Urry, J., 2015). According to the American Meteorological Society, extensive scientific evidence has shown that the dominant reason for the huge climatic change is human-influenced increase in the sum of atmospheric greenhouse gases. The Geological Society of America and the American Physical Society also have a similar opinion (McMichael, A.J., 2013). Natural factors affecting climate change: The changes in the climate occur due to a variety of factors which are primarily due to the flow of energy through the climate system. These originate from several driving factors involving the atmospheric CO2, other green house gases, increased in the short lived gases, the changes to the land cover, increase of the aerosols, solar fluctuations which are actually the changes in the brightness of the sun and volcanic eruptions. Of all these factors which contribute to the climate change, the solar fluctuations and the volcanic eruptions are completely natural while the other influences are human. It can be said that the changes in the sun contribute to the global warming but the impact is relatively less, in comparison to all other influences in the atmosphere. The indirect estimates suggest that the changes in the brightness of the sun contribute to only a small percentage of the global warming (Urry, J., 2015). According to the direct measurements there is a decreasing social intensity over the recent decades, which is contrary to what is required in the explanation of the observed warming. The impact of the solar influences is relatively less in comparison to the anthropogenic influences (Goudie, A.S., 2013). Therefore it is wrong to think that only humans are responsible for the climate changes. The natural influences however less are existent in the climatic changes and global warming. However, the human activities have a much more impact on the climate change in comparison to the natural effects. Personal opinions on the issue of climate change: According to me, the behavioural patterns and actions of the human beings are somewhere responsible for the climate change and global warming as a whole. Every individual is a vital constituent of the environment and whatever he or she does has an impact on the environment. In order to protect the environment every person has to keep a check on the activities which he or she performs. No individual should consciously take part in any activity that might actually harm the environment in the long run. My reason for having such a point of view was because the impact of the human activities was felt in the environment. The levels of increasing pollution and habits of the people contribute to the global warming of the atmosphere. A certain amount of responsibility is required on part of the individuals to restore the present condition of the environment. On the other hand, I feel that the solar changes and impact of the volcanic eruptions also affect the climate. Though the natural impacts on the climate are less, nevertheless their effect cannot be neglected. It is wrong to only consider human activities as the reason for climatic change. Rather than focussing on the reasons behind the impact, the focus should be on how the impact can be reduced. Feedback Analysis: The feedback report which has been provided by the student states the features of his presentation, the way in which he answered the questions asked by the teacher and also the improvements which he can make in the overall report. According to the teacher the Power point presentation was good, clear and the method of communication with the audience was accurate and proper. It was also stated that the issue chosen was truly a matter of concern and raised a proper amount of awareness amongst the people. This was important because identifying the root causes of the problem, that is, climate change is crucial. The provided suggestions have been very useful in making the report. The suggestion of including my own point of view was taken and also incorporated. The feedback has been given proper importance and key stakeholders related to the issue have been identified. The opinions of all the stakeholders have been identified in addition to all the stakeholders. Sufficient and proper referencing has also been included in the UTS Harvard Referencing style. In addition to this, the positive as well as negative responses with respect to the statement, Are human activities primarily responsible for climate change are mentioned. The opinions of different stakeholders are mentioned, who are rather unified in favour of the topic. Conclusion: Human induced climate change is responsible for contributing to the changing patterns of severe weather all around the world, from longer and hotter heat wave to the heaver rains. Each of the weather events are related to the changes in climate. Normal variability also plays a significant role in the extreme weather and climatic changes also have change the natural limits. It has made certain extreme weather types more frequent and more intense. The extreme weather conditions might affect even more than it is anticipated. Extreme weather is on the rise and the influences of its continued increase are visible in both predictable and unpredictable ways. Humans need to be more conscious about their daily routine so as to not harm the environment more than it already is. Unless the individuals become responsible for their actions, they will not be able to survive in the toxicity of the surroundings. 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