Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Carbon Dioxide And Its Effects On The Environment

Carbon dioxide represents 84% of greenhouse gases. It is not only affecting the atmosphere but also the oceans in that it has made them 30% more acidic in turn affecting sea organisms. As you can see these fossil fuels create a chain effect damaging more than we are aware of. One of the biggest problems with switching to renewable energy isn’t that we couldn’t make it work or the startup cost is too much, it’s because, as most people agree, the oil businesses doesn’t want to lose out on the money. The oil industries made 1021.1 billion dollars in the past ten years. A lot of the world depends on oil production, but it is causing severe damage to our environment. There is a massive amount of land and forests being destroyed in order to get this oil, and the effects of the leaks and spills on the earth and to living things extremely damaging. Just in 2010 there were two reported massive oil spill starting on January 23rd, spilling 462,000 gallons and again o n April 20th with 20,000 gallons a day spilling for 87 days ending with over 200 million gallons being spilt of off the gulf of Mexico; this is the worst oil spill in American history. The impact of the spill on the environment was devastation killing many sea organisms and birds. And the effects did not go away after the oil did. Many organisms became sick and about 17% of the dolphins affected did not survive. Sea turtles became stranded including 500 endangered sea turtles. The oil spill happened during many organismsShow MoreRelatedCarbon Dioxide And Its Effects On The Environment936 Words   |  4 PagesIt is a recorded fact that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today is at the highest level ever recorded or studied. The large number of invasive carbon dioxide molecules is causing detrimental problems in the environment. 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