Saturday, February 29, 2020

A play Dennis Potter Essay Example for Free

A play Dennis Potter Essay ? Blue remembered hills is a play Dennis Potter. The title is taken from the poem ‘Shropshire lad’ by A. E Houseman. It challenges the perception that childhood is innocent and that all children are pure and ‘nice’. One of the ways he does this is by using adults to play children so the unrealisticness of the play forces adults to focus on the meaning of everything going on in the play. The main meaning of the play is focused around the mindless cruelty of war and how this affects children living through it. The style of the play is flared narration. The play was originally a television play for the BBC in 1979. it was set in rural west country. For our play we are using bright lights to show that we are outside. We are also going to have some stones and sticks on the floor to play with to help us show the kid’s restlessness and constant movement. Could kick them etc. the setting is rural and in 1943 during the 2nd world war, this has affected the children a lot. There is a lot of racist speak about the ‘Ities’ and the ‘Japs’. Then there are the games, also war related. Most of the games revolve around guns and violence. Lastly there is a lot of bragging that the boys do about what they are going to do in the army. In this essay I am also going to refer to ‘my mother said I never should’ by charlotte Keatley and ‘gum and goo’ by Howard Brenton. Charlotte Keatley was a feminist writer. My mother said I never should was first performed in 1087. In 1987 there were stronger roles for women and more active feminist movements in society. The play represents the plight of women and how women were treated in society, both by men and each other. The scene where the women are talking about menstrual cramps or the ‘curse’ as they call it contrasts directly yet is similar to when the boys are talking about the war in blue remembered hills. Both plays show children discussing ‘taboo’ subjects in an open and careless way. Howard Brenton play ‘gum and goo’ was first performed in 1969. Adults didn’t understand learning difficulty’s as well as they do now, in 1006. Ignorance leads to prejudice and eventually tragedy in gum and goo. This play is about an autistic girl who invents two friends, ‘gum and goo’, this character links directly to Raymond in blue remembered hills who has learning difficulties, maybe similar, but less severe to Michelle’s autism. . All three plays have adults playing children. This creates an objective distance so the unreality of the play is so obvious it doesn’t allow the audience to get absorbed into the play. This was the audience is forced to concentrate on the issues and the challenged perceptions of childhood. A play Dennis Potter. (2017, Sep 12).

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Church and world religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Church and world religion - Essay Example Familiarity with Muslim communities enhanced acceptance by the interviewee and openness during the interview. Effective communication is important for a successful interview to take place. Most Islamic teachings are in Arabic and have not been interpreted explicitly in English. The interview therefore was characterized with communication snags as the interviewee tried to express certain meanings as understood from the Quran. It was interesting to find out how a Muslim is well-versed with the teachings of the Quran, quoting from different verses to support answers to the interview questions. There was also a notable affection of Islam as the respondent participated in the interview. The readiness to explain more than requested indicated an inner driving force for the Muslim to help others understand his own faith, which demonstrated the need for dialogue. Religion emerged as a core aspect of a Muslim’s life and that there is a day of judgment when every individual will be required to account for all his/her actions. Islam is a peaceful religion that teaches on the existence of one supreme God who is unique and without equal. It instructs believers to maintain peace with others and to follow the desires of God as manifest in His angels as well as the revelations that were conveyed to human beings through prophets. Every human being is supposed to obey God who holds the ultimate authority over mankind. For this reason, perpetrators of the crimes against humanity committed all over the world by Muslims and non-Muslims are against God’s will and every individual will pay the price of sin on judgment day. There are a number of prophets that are held in high regard by Muslims with whom they associate with God’s intention to bring peace to the world. This is an indicator that God intended to bring happiness to man despi te the sins that distance people from Him. It was also an important realization that some of the prophets are

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Policies, Including Business Ethics Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility Policies, Including Business Ethics and Impact on Business Practice and Key Stakeholders - Essay Example In this part of the paper, a stakeholder mapping analysis is performed to assess the key influences in Nestlà © in the area of corporate social responsibility. Schmeer (2001) identified planning as the initial phase of stakeholder mapping. In the planning phase, the purpose of the stakeholder mapping analysis is defined. It is also in this stage where the beneficiaries of the results of the stakeholder mapping exercise are identified. In this paper, the goal of stakeholder mapping analysis is to offer guidance with respect to a participatory, consensus-building process, with respect to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of Nestlà ©. Obviously, information derived from the analysis will be utilized in the brainstorming and formulation of Nestlà © CSR schemes for the benefit of society. The policy selected for analysis focused on Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s CSR projects supporting coffee and cocoa farmers in selected locations worldwide as part of the Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. The proposed policy selected for the analysis was the possibility of extending the project to third world countries in Asia who produce coffee and/or cocoa, or possibly other products. The aforementioned policy was chosen based on three criteria as recommended in Schmeer (2001): (1) the policy is specific and definable; (2) the policy is socially and politically controversial, considering the peace and order situation in the country being considered as beneficiary of the CSR project; and (3) the policy may be a key to current reform efforts and significant enough to justify the deployment of resources. Selman (2006) suggested the preparation of a long list of possible stakeholders, as comprehensive and feasible. As a general rule, nomination of stakeholders for inclusion in the long list should consider those who will be affected by, or will